The Hits Just Keep On Coming For UK Savers

Just days after provider research showed that ISA savers have missed out on returns of £100bn by investing in cash rather than stocks and shares, NS&I have announced across-the-board cuts to the returns on their premium bonds and Direct ISA. On 1 February,

IFISA – Looking to the future

The Innovative Finance ISA (IFISA), which allows investors to hold peer to peer investments within a tax free ISA wrapper, was rolled out in April 2016. At the time, no P2P platforms were authorised as ISA Managers, a requirement to offer loan investments within an ISA. During the past six months

One of the lowest-risk lending platforms in the P2P market

Proplend was in the news on Saturday 21 January 2017 as The Times published a feature on the health of the UK peer-to-peer (P2P) lending market. 4thWay Managing Director, Neil Faulkner was quoted in the article, responding to record 2016 figures coming from The